Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Scoop your favorite vanilla ice cream into a bowl
Heap on a few tablespoons of cherry compote
Drizzle with Hot Sin®
Enjoy this sinfully simple self indulgence

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Peach Sangria (from Judy Laino)

1 bottle Pazdar Riesling

2 oz. brandy

2 oz. peach schnapps or triple sec

3 oz. simple syrup*

5 oz. peach nectar

Slices of peaches, apples, and oranges**

* Simple syrup: Equal parts of sugar and water. Bring to boil to dissolve, cool. Can be kept 2 weeks in refrigerator.

** Any fruit will do. Bananas and lemons were tried and it worked.

Chill wine, syrup, and nectar. Combine all ingredients, let sit overnight (can be used immediately). Put ice cubes in the glasses and serve. Club soda can be added if it is too strong.